Coloured Easter Eggs

Make your own:

  1. Using hard boiled eggs, wrap the eggs with elastics bands, in different configurations.
  2. In different cups, mix 1/2 cup hot water, 1 teaspoon vinegar and 10 to 20 drops food color in a cup to achieve desired colours.
  3. Dip the eggs in food colour mixture and remove (using a spoon)
  4. Wait until it is dry and unwrap the elastics.
  5. Rewrap, if desired and redip in another colour.
  6. Other techniques to try: using a white crayon, draw different designs on the egg shell and dip the eggs in food colour mixture and remove (using a spoon).
  7. Other techniques to try: tightly wrap egg in tin foil and dip the eggs in food colour mixture and remove (using a spoon).
  8. Other techniques to try: cut masking tape into thin strips and place on egg and dip the eggs in food colour mixture and remove (using a spoon).