Wooden Spoon Reindeer

  1. Paint wooden spoon brown
  2. While it is drying, you can cut a piece of felt (your choice of colour) 6″ x 1″ and 2 smaller pieces 1″ x 1″ in a different colour.
  3. Glue the small squares of felt to each end of the larger piece of felt, and fray the edges of each one. (To fray the edges, make small cuts approximately 1/2″ repeatedly side by side along the edge)
  4. Once the spoon is dry, wrap and glue the felt piece around the handle of the spoon to look like a scarf
  5. Cut and bend your pipe cleaners to make them look like antlers, and glue them on the top of the spoon side of the wooden spoon.
  6. On the opposite side, glue a red pom pom and googly eyes.
  7. Add embellishments and voila!